Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The "saving lie" or Fourier Complex

Una persona muy querida me cuestionaba el mensaje del post acerca del "sentirse clase media", por no considerar las dificultades invencibles que, según dicha persona, siempre impone el orden social prestablecido a los más desfavorecidos. Mi respuesta va a continuación en forma de cita adaptada de un libro cuya lectura debería ser obligatoria, preferiblemente antes de los 18 años (admito que yo lo leí muchísmos años más tarde):
"Opposition to liberalism does not stem from reason, but from a pathological mental attitude: from resentment and a neurasthenic condition called Fourier complex.
Resentment can be dealt with rational arguments: The important thing cannot be to worsen the position of his better situated fellow men, but to improve his own.
The Fourier complex  is much harder to combat. The neurotic takes refuge in a delusion. A "saving lie", that not only consoles him for past failure, but holds out the prospect of future success: one's inability to attain the lofty goals to which one has aspired is not to be ascribed to one's own inadequacy but to the defectiveness of the social order. This "saving lie" tells him that not he himself but the World is at fault for having caused failure, and this conviction raises his depressed self-confidence and liberates him from a tormenting feeling of inferiority".
Extracted and adapted from "Liberalism", by Ludwig Von Mises.

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